How to get Blood Stains Out in 3 Easy Steps

How to get Blood Stains Out in 3 Easy Steps

How to get blood stains out in 3 easy steps

How to get blood stains out in 3 easy steps! I have used this very simple method on even old, “set in”blood stains that has worked on everything I have tried so far. I have gotten blood stains out of fabrics such a shirts, jeans, blankets, couches, carpets, and more! Before I learned about this, if I got any type of blood stain on my clothes, I thought they were done for and just throw them away! Now I know better, and always have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in my house.

This time, I cut myself shaving and I swear those cuts just seem to bleed forever. I happened to sit right on my daughters white comforter after and didn’t even notice the stain till the next day! The sooner you get to the stain, the easier it is to clean, but even if you don’t, this method still works wonders!

Blood Stain
Blood Stain

How to get a blood stain out

What You Need:

-Hydrogen Peroxide

-Clean Rag

-Iron: (Optional)

Step 1:

Put some hydrogen peroxide on the blood stain. The hydrogen peroxide will start to foam up on the blood stain which is super satisfying!

Hydrogen Peroxide Foaming
Hydrogen Peroxide Foaming

Step 2:

Blot the stain first. The blotting is to prevent it from smearing on the fabric more. Put more hydrogen peroxide on the stain and using a different part of the rag, start scrubbing away. Add more hydrogen peroxide as necessary till you can no longer see the stain.

Blot Stain
Blot then scrub stain

Step 3:

*Optional- If the stain has already been set in, or is still not coming out after multiple attempts, then get your iron out. Put more hydrogen peroxide on the stain, make sure it is completely covered, and iron immediately after. I did not have to do this on this comforter, but I did have a pair of shorts that went through the wash with the blood stain that I thought would never come out. I tried using the iron and it got it out! I would only use this on white fabrics. My shorts were pink and white striped and the pink faded in that spot a little.

Launder and dry as you normally would and voila! No more ugly stain!

No more blood stain
No more blood stain


I used to believe that blood was one of those stains you could never get out unless you had special chemicals. This method is so easy, inexpensive, and works great! Now my daughters comforter is beautifully white and clean once again! In fact, I could never tell there was ever a blood stain there to begin with!

White Comforter with no more stain
White comforter with no more stain




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